Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ja la tenim aquí

Ja tot s'acabat. El Barça ha guanyat justamente el títol de lliga, per més que hi han hagut alguns mitjans de comunicació fora de Catalunya que no els hi agradat gents que fos el equip de Guardiola qui la guanyés. Després del gran dispendi que han fet per tenir el millor equip del mon, s'han endut el gran disgust i això costa molt de pair. Ara bé el torn dels fitxatges, avui ja es oficial, el jugador del Valencia, David Villa ha estat traspassat al Barça per la xifra de 40 milions i per un període de 4 anys, després d'aquest, possiblement serà el jugador del Arsenal, Cesc Fábregas, el que el segueixi.
Amb aquest dos jugadors la plantilla es reforça molt bé. Després vindrà el capitol de les baixes, segur que ens sorprenen. També ara estem divertits respecte a les properes eleccions, sembla que de tots els candidats, el que ho té millor, es Sandro Rosell, per un marge considerable, però encara falta temps i lo millor está per arribar. Aquest estiu promet ser molt interessant.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Final de Temporada

Pues ya esta, la temporada del F.C. Barcelona se termino. lastima ahora deberemos esperar hasta mediados de Agosto para empezar a ver el mejor equipo del mundo. Mientras, en el camino nos quedan varias noticias. La mas importante seguramente este verano sera la Copa del Mundo. Quien ganara este gran querido trofeo. Muchos equipos estan en primera linea para ganarlo, Inglaterra, argentina,Brazil, y este ano tambien Espana, pero lo mas interesante des de mi punto de vista son esos equipos que no son notables pero dan el que hablar por como juegan, o por que tienen algun jugador deslumbrante los nuevos cracks del futro, y en estos incluyo muchos de los equipos Africanos como Sud americanos.
Pero enfocandonos con las notcias en el Barcelona, el fichaje de Villa (que hoy mismo dicen que esta hecho) y la posibilidad de Cesc (que regresara a casa)caiga en las proximas semanas seran noticias de ambito mundial. Este Barcelona formado por jugadores de su cantera como Messi, Bojan, Pedro, Puyol, Pique, Xavi, e Iniesta, y con la ayuda de estos refuerzos, sera un lujo que se enfrentara a un todo poderoso "Senor Don Dinero" que seguramente se gastaran 300 Millones de Dolares para intentar igualar lo que ha hecho este barcelona con tanto esfuerzo. Por cierto este equipo quiere fichar al entrenador del unico equipo que ha podido ganar a los azulgranas con el anti-futbol (todos defendiendo). Esto que siginifa para el ano proximo . . . pues nosotros a disfrutar del buen futbol, viendo jugar a los canteranos, y el equipo blanco a parcar el autobus enfrente de la porteria y a ver si Cristiano y compania golean . . . que aburrimiento para los seguidores blanco.

Finalmente la ultima noticia de este verano las elecciones en Can Barca. Si este ano habra Presidente nuevo, espermos que las elecciones no sean tan sucias como generalmente son. Que sean abiertas a todos los socios ya sea en la ciudad condal como los que estan en el resto del mundo, y esperemos que el Nuevo Presidente escuche a nuestro Buru "Guardiola". Que decir de Guardiola. Magnifico jugador en su epoca. Comprometido con el buen futbol de ataque y la cantera. Conocedor de la cultura del Barcelona y lo que representa los colores Blaugranas en Catalunya. Y sobretodo un estudioso del futbol.
Buffff que verano nos espera, y a todos ustedes gracias por ser miembros de nuestra organizacion. Ustedes son un sueno hecho realidad, si un sueno de seguidores del Barcelona perdidos en los mundos de los Rangers, Cowboys, y Mavericks, pero alli estan, llevando con honor de ser los campeones 09-10 nuestros colores .. . los Azulgranas

Visca el Barca y Visca

Monday, May 17, 2010

All hail the Champions!

It's happened again... for the second year in a row. FC Barcelona are the champions of La Liga! With a brilliant performance that ended 4-0, Barca sealed theirs and Real Madrid's fates.

It was a record breaking year for Barca, securing 99 points to win the title, and also for our little messiah, Lionel Messi. With a total of 47 goals in all competitions and 34 in La Liga, Messi won Europe's Golden Boot and the Spanish Pichichi Trophy. He also tied Ronaldo for most goals by a Barca player in La Liga.

Congratulations to all the players, coaches and fans who witnessed this great season.

As the summer progresses, we'll update all the happenings in the World Cup and also any transfers that may happen before or after the world's biggest tournament.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The final

Well here we are, about 2 hours from the final game of the season. Everything has led up to this point. One win and La Liga is ours!

Valladolid will be no easy task. Yes, they are near the bottom of the league, but this is exactly why they pose a threat. They have as much to fight for in this game as Barca does. No Xavi and probably no Iniesta means the midfield is going to have to play top notch.

I would assume Keita, Busquets and Toure will start. Busquets playing the Xavi role (as if anyone could fill in those magical boots.)

I feel confident we get to watch FC Barcelona celebrate another Liga championship in the Nou Camp.

Visca Barca!

A punt de cantar l'alirón

Com diem a Catalunya "no es pot dir blat si no està al sac i ben lligat", això es lo que hi ha en aquest moment referent al nostre Barça, encara que tots ho donem per fet i en el fons estem segurs de que guanyarem sense problemes, el seny ens fa ser prudents i pensar que el futbol es futbol i pot pasar qualsevol cosa. Si depend dels jugadors, ells estàn concenciats de que han de fer l'ultim esforç per aconseguir altre cop la lliga i sense cap dubte els espectadors que hi serem, animarén fins el final pasi el que pasi i si tot va bé, com es d'esperar, cel.lebrarem l'alirón final. Així que molts ánims i confiem amb la victoria.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rumors, comments, questions, opinions

Hi Folks,

Just wanted to reach out to any readers or members of Barcadallas who have found us here in our little corner of the world wide web. In time, we plan to make this blog into a forum of sorts where many different opinions and viewpoints are expressed.

But , sadly for you, you are stuck with me for now.

I know I shouldn't be thinking so far ahead, considering the last Liga game is this Sunday, but I can't help but speculate as to what Laporta, Pep and Txiki will be up to this summer. Rumors are flying around that Juventus want Ibra to return to Italy for around $40 million Euros, and I think Barca would be silly not to consider this offer.

I don't necessarily want to see the big man go, but maybe the Spanish game is not for him. If they can get $40 million for him, this would essentially be a trade for David Villa, who would seem to fit perfect in this team.

Of course there's also the matter of a certain Catalan player who's been honing his craft across the pond for Arsenal. Laporta has said he'd like to sign Villa and Cesc before the World Cup and before the new elections, so things might start to happen next week.

*Please feel free to pose questions, comments or opinions about anything you see on this blog. We appreciate any and all feedback.*

Monday, May 10, 2010

As the season ends....

A new opportunity begins.

Well, it's happened again. The writing gods have opened their doors to me, and how could I say no? Much like the football gods opened their doors for Pep Guardiola and FC Barcelona these last two seasons.

What beautiful soccer we get to watch every week. The same feel, the same intensity, the same work ethic put forth by every player. Last Saturday in Seville, the blaugrana showcased their dominance once more as they won their penultimate Liga game, 3-2, in Seville.

So now, we have one more game to cheer for Barca... one more game to clap as passes are strung together.. one more game to see the curly, flowing hair of Puyol. One more win, and La Liga Championship will rest in Barcelona for one more year.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

As the Vice President of Barca Dallas I wanted to let you know the latest news:

1. David, -The Presidente- began the registration process in order for Barca Dallas to become an official penya with F. C. Barcelona.

2. David is re-designing our website. He is building a more professional looking website from the ground up. It is a lot of work and should be completed by the end of the summer. When finished he promises it will be the best looking Barca Penya website the world has ever seen. I will be visiting David on Friday to take a sneak peek at what he has done thus far.

Barca Dallas is growing quickly and we are working to maintain that momentum. It is my pleasure to share with you that one of our newest members, Scott Figuerola, will be the official editor of our new blog and assist with providing the Barca Dallas website with original content. Scott got involved with journalism when he began writing for his school newspaper and has done some really wonderful articles on many sports topics. David and I appreciate his help and hope that you will participate by contributing to our efforts. Scott will begin working on the blog (I hope, lol lol) and getting ready for next season . . . we’ll probably try out some experiments during the World Cup. He also will do a wrap up of the 2009/2010 season and we will post this on the current website once the article is written.

Ideas for growing Barca Dallas include:

1. A youth futbol program to promote futbol in schools and our community.

2. A web page that includes news about hirings and transfers in our area, forming a local team, opportunities to play in the area, and announcements of local tournaments and showcasing some of the local players.

3. Create new relationships with affiliation associations on worldwide basis via our website.

We need your support and involvement to grow Barca Dallas! You can help by promoting our organization, help us get kids interested in futbol, and of course support the best team in the world - F. C. Barcelona